Saturday, October 31, 2009

Ghoulish Delights

The little monsters and I cooked up some hauntingly delicious treats this week. We started with butter cookies ever......they are egg free so you can eat all the raw dough you want.

Next we made breadstick bones with a side of bloody marinara. We used this breadstick recipe. The kids were amazed by the bread making process. It also provided and opportunity to talk about micro-organisms. We had a great discussion about yeast and it's role in making leavened bread. To form the bones roll dough into 12-15 inch long sticks, next snip the ends of each stick down the middle into two equal pieces 1-2 inches long. Next, roll the snips down towards the long side of the bone. Bake as directed. Finally we made ghostly grilled muenster cheese sandwiches.
I'm not sure who had more fun...but I'd be willing to bet it was probably me;) I love Halloween!


Anonymous said...

chocolate chip cookie's!!! We always eat the batter... No reported deaths yet... Gonna need to be more careful and get your sugar cookie recipe :)